Why Am I Here???

Why Am I Here???


Never did I imagine that I would be here in Vietnam, learning the language, indulging in the food, enjoying the culture and at the least – meeting my father’s family. I’ve always wanted to travel and live abroad and become fluent in another language. Visiting my sister’s boyfriend – now fiancé – in Japan helped me to see that these things were possible. Furthermore, moving to Korea made me realize that I could actually live abroad. Now, being in Vietnam has helped me to strive to live and thrive in these things that I’ve always wanted to do. Although I’m not near fluent in the language, I’ve learned a lot about not only Vietnamese, but also the culture from taking classes that VUS offers for foreign teachers. The teacher is really great and helps all of the students go above and beyond what our minds can do – even if we only have class twice a week with no tests. Learning the language of the country I’m residing in as a foreigner has been really helpful, especially in the neighborhood that we live in and because I am actually Vietnamese, people expect me to speak it. But, when I do, I speak with the most horrific pronunciation. They always give me a double take. However, my limited Vietnamese has been most rewarding when I try to speak to my family in Rạch Giá.