Thousands of Cafes in Saigon

Thousands of Cafes in Saigon


There are more than 80,000 cafes located in Saigon. You can drink coffee on the sidewalk, along any street on plastic tables and chairs or go to an upscale establishment that will hide the noisy streets and motorbikes. Cafes are a place where everyone goes to unwind during the siesta hours of 12pm-2pm or even in the evening after dinner with that special someone. Everyone from business professionals to young couples go there to relax. There are many different themes and styles with each café. The other day we went to a café that mimicked or even stole the exact theme of the coffee giant in the west known as “Starbucks.” The best part about the experience was instead of paying $5 for a cup of coffee it was $1. We have only been to a handful of cafes around the city but we intend to find out more about this unique culture that lives in Vietnam. We went to a cool café with Shauna’s cousins from Rach Gia who came to Saigon for a visit. The place had live music. One lady was playing the violin, another man a guitar and piano. This place was truly magical. You would never expect to see something like this in Vietnam. The truth is that the cafes in Vietnam have not received the attention that it really deserves. Soi Da, which is located on 6B Ngo Thoi Nhiem Street was a wonderful place that comes alive at night. Let us you know about your favorite café in Saigon!

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