A Very Warm Thanksgiving

A Very Warm Thanksgiving


Never would I have thought that a holiday away from home would be so similar given the fact that the weather is like summer all of the time. Thanksgiving this year was almost as great as back home. Great new friends and delicious food surrounded us. Our new friends Andee, Allison and Mike hosted us for Thanksgiving lunch at their huge home in the middle of the smallest alley. It was a potluck Thanksgiving. Everyone brought a dish that they made or spent the money to get that special pie. We had everything from mashed potatoes, sweet potato yams with marshmallows, fresh spring rolls, fried spring rolls, salad, bread rolls with butter, pumpkin pie, cake, and I made green bean casserole – which is another story.

We anticipated for the turkey to come at 12:00pm sharp until Allison called to confirm that the turkey was on its way. Unfortunately, they thought we wanted the turkey the day after Thanksgiving! What a mess! Thankfully, they called back and said that the turkey would be finished by 2:00pm. They kept their word. The turkey was delivered on time and fresh as could be. They ordered it from New World Hotel, prepared with side dishes and a bottle of wine. It was the best turkey I have had since two Thanksgivings ago.

Now, making green bean casserole in Vietnam takes a lot longer than it would back home. It’s not as easy as 1-2-3 with canned goods poured into one baking pan and put in the oven. But, it is as easy as 1 – Make fried strips of onions with homemade batter. 2 – Make cream of mushroom soup from mushrooms, milk and flour. 3 – Cut the beans and mix everything in a pot on the stove. And 4 – put everything in a nice dish and sprinkle the rest of the fried onions. It didn’t taste much like my mom’s green bean casserole, but everyone was satisfied!

Thank you Andee, Allison and Mike for hosting us! Thank you to our family and friends for supporting and loving us!

Artificial Camping

Artificial Camping

Surrounded by the Simmering Aroma of Pho

Surrounded by the Simmering Aroma of Pho