Travel Never Ends

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Making a List and Checking it Twice

I have always been a fan of good food. My passion for food comes from my parents and the different spices that we used when preparing dishes from the Caribbean. Sammy Pulayya (my dad) would always tell my brothers and I about stories about going to different places and he would always say “That’s good eating” I guess it was his way of saying the food was amazing. I was always a picky eater growing up. I mainly ate a lot of chicken and turkey. I had a bad experience when I was younger that made me not eat fish for a few years (thanks mom). I might tell you more about that funny story in a future post.  Since I started going out with Shauna I was more open to try new things and that window from being a picky eater began to close.

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Living in Asia for the past year has really opened my eyes to a different taste and love for food. Coming from New York City, which is home to more than 170 languages and is the most diverse city in the world, I was exposed to a lot of different smells and tastes of food.

I guess I have noticed that I was a foodie a few years ago.  While living in New York City I was always on the hunt for the “hole in the wall places to eat.” My motto has been that food is everywhere, but you really need to put in some time to find the amazing places.

Since moving to Vietnam I have compiled a list of different places to eat, which include restaurants, food stalls in alleyways and markets. I have received different suggestions from friends on where to go to find what I want. I will be sharing my findings with you soon.