Travel Never Ends

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What do our Families Think about Vietnam?

We’ve been away from home for 17 months now. I have to admit, we’ve gotten a little homesick. Thankfully, my younger sister, Kristi Vo, broke the sickness. She spent five weeks in Vietnam! I hadn’t seen her in a year and a half so it was really good to see her and have her around. But when she first arrived, she had to leave for Vinh City because she was volunteering at a school for two weeks. She received credit at school for the volunteer work and she had the chance to live in a small town in Vietnam. Then, she came to Saigon just in time for Christmas and New Year’s. Everyone knew that she was coming, even our neighbors. Kristi was the beginning of our lists of guests to visit us in Ho Chi Minh City. Our cousin, Loan Vo, and her parents were next. They arrived at the beginning of January. My older sister, Mailena Vo, will arrive in two weeks! And then we have tons of friends living in Korea who are coming for vacation in the next few months. But, it really means a lot that our family has the chance to come and experience our life abroad.

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Kristi got the first taste. She saw how busy Ho Chi Minh City is. She saw how we could get ripped off. She saw how cheap things can be. She saw how our neighbors love to party. She tasted how good the food is. And she got to meet our family for the first time.

Having Kristi around was a blessing. I know she will get another chance to come back whether it is living or visiting again. And I hope most of our family has the chance to visit us while we are here.