Travel Never Ends

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Surrounded by the Simmering Aroma of Pho

Starting at 3:30 or 4:00pm, the aroma of pho broth surrounds our house, literally. A sweet lady owns a pho restaurant just outside of our house. She’s the nicest person who has welcomed us as foreigners in a very Vietnamese neighborhood. Her pho is the best in town. It’s different than other pho restaurants. It's got the main ingredients like star anise, ginger, beef and so on, but she puts her own little twist on it with black pepper and the taste is so strong. It’s perfect on a rainy day, although sometimes she isn’t open when it rains. When she is open, people pour in, coming from work. But, as we go to work at 5:00pm, we sometimes anticipate that last bowl of pho after work, in hopes that she has some left. Her outside restaurant is literally next to our house. So, it might be hard to find. Our address is 79/11/5 Tran Van Dang, District 3. Enjoy!