Welcome to Vo-Pulayya.com!

Welcome to our new web site! We couldn’t possibly stop blogging because we’re leaving Korea, so we decided to make a more permanent web site – also because we’re engaged and all. It just didn’t make sense to have “ourkoreanteapot” if we weren’t in Korea. However, ourkoreanteapot.com will still be live, but we will use Vo-Pulayya.com to write and show the world our travels from here on. Though, you’ll see that the current posts are linked back to ourkoreanteapot. So, please be sure to subscribe to both, because we were selected for an interview with Agrafood in Korea. The interview will be published in the October issue! With that said, we’ve had a wonderful experience in Korea. It’s bittersweet. We’ve made some wonderful friends, foreign and Korean and have had a chance to travel Korea and other parts of Asia. But, we are looking forward to our next adventure, which will be in Vietnam! We’re taking a one-way flight to Hanoi tomorrow! We’ll be traveling down the country until we reach Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) where we hope to find a teaching position at an International School. It’s exciting yet scary to think that we don’t have jobs yet and we’ll be homeless for a few weeks. However, we’ll be experiencing so much in a beautiful country full of history.

So, please join us again on this remarkable opportunity of a lifetime – TRAVEL.

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Farewell Korea!

Farewell Korea!

One Year Teaching English in Korea [Video]

One Year Teaching English in Korea [Video]