Travel Never Ends

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Farewell Korea!

Our year in Korea as a foreign teacher is now over. Korea has been really good to us. It was the first time for both of us to be away from home for more than a month and we’re happy that we had the chance to experience it together. We worked at great schools with amazing co-teachers, which really made the experience even better. Of course, there were things that we didn’t understand, but we accepted them and just moved on. And although teaching was hard at first especially in a middle school and with the language barrier, we eventually learned to enjoy teaching and the students. We’ve taught all ages of students since we’ve been here, third grade elementary up to juniors in high school. We’ve learned to appreciate the students and have learned a lot from them as well, especially the high school students. They will always have a place in our hearts.

We made some really great friends, foreign and Korean, and we’ll miss them dearly. The people we have met here are remarkable. A lot of the other foreign teachers have done a lot traveling and it’s really a great way to learn about other places where we would like to travel. These people have been a real inspiration for our future endeavors.

We’re also really thankful for the Korean friends we’ve made. They’ve helped us understand more about Korean culture and way of life. Without them, we would not have learned so much about Korea and its people.

We know that we probably will not ever see some of these people again, but we hope that we will get to see some of our friends, co-teachers and even students in the future or near future in Vietnam after we have settled there.

We will be leaving Korea on a one-way flight to Hanoi, Vietnam. Our plan is to travel from Hanoi down to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) for two or three weeks and then find a job teaching English in Saigon or whatever city that we like. But, we don’t want you to miss out on our future travels and adventures, so please refer to our new web site! will still be available. We would especially like to thank our readers, visitors and family and friends who have visited ourkoreanteapot. Thank you for your love and support as we travel and work abroad. We’ve just been selected for an interview with Agrafood in Korea. The interview will be published in the October issue! So, please come back to and remember to visit and subscribe to to continue learning about other cultures as we do.

Last but not least, thank you Korea and everyone we’ve met here for our first amazing year abroad!