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Teaching in Korea

English Winter Camp 2010

February 11, 2010 | Author: Shauna Vo Winter Camp started immediately after we returned from Beijing. We were not ready for it! Although, we were aware of how many hours we would work and how long the days were going to be, we still needed a vacation after vacation. Instead, we were overwhelmed with three weeks of 12-hour days and what we thought would be chaos.

Celebrity Status

November 5, 2009 | Author: Shauna Vo We are like superstars in Korea! Well, Randy is more of a celebrity than I am because I look like everyone here. He gets the stares and the random “I love you” from strangers. When we are walking together, you can imagine what people are thinking.

Getting Settled and Discovering Korea

October 14, 2009 | Author: Randy Pulayya It has been almost two months since we arrived to Korea and we are finally getting adjusted to the Korean culture and way of life. One of the biggest things that we noticed is how much emphasis that the Korean government focuses on learning English. English is a main subject in Korean schools, along with the regular subjects such as science, math and social studies. A typical middle school student starts his or her day at 7am and ends by 4pm.

Wol-pyung Middle School

September 18, 2009 | Author: Shauna Vo Although it is my third week of school, I want to give you a brief synopsis of what teaching has been like in South Korea. As everyone has told us, Korea is dynamic. We had a glimpse of that slogan at orientation, but have now had a gulp of Korea’s dynamics. On my first day of school, Claire Root, the teacher I replaced, came to school with me to show me around and to show me how things operate in the school.

Beginning in a Bubble

August 25, 2009 | Author: Shauna Vo As we got off of the 13-hour flight from one of the best airlines (Korean Air), one of the first things we saw was a Dunkin’ Donuts! But, it definitely felt like we were in Korea because everything else was in Korean. We were starving after we got our luggage and after meeting some fellow English teachers, so we stopped by a convenience store to get a bite to eat. A small meal with stir-fry pork, rice and kimchi cost only 1,800 KRW, which is equal to about $1.50!!!