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Beneath the Surface – Calamian Island Group

The most beautiful lake/lagoon was Seven Islands. We went snorkeling and SCUBA diving there! Even if you don’t get a chance to dive here, the snorkeling is just as amazing. Fishermen destroyed this part of the ocean with cyanide about eight years ago, our dive master said. But, a Filipino gentleman, known by the name of “James Bond,” replanted the whole area. He took loose coral from other parts of the ocean and planted them here. He did an amazing job. Pink, blue, purple and orange coral lined the ocean wall. Brightly colored fish and tortoises swam freely in their beautiful home. What a truly amazing sight and underwater world to experience. Immersing into the underwater world with snorkeling and SCUBA diving offers an unforgettable experience that makes me regret not getting an underwater camera. But swimming and diving can be very tiring and after lots of adventurous activities, we craved relaxation. We hired Ariel to take us to the islands and the most beautiful white sand beaches in the Calamian Islands. Our plan was to stay the night on an island, so Ariel and two of his family members came with us on the hour and a half trip to stay overnight. We had an option to stay at three different islands, Wali Wali, Banana Island and Malcupuya Island. Our first stop, Wali Wali, was a secluded island. The only other person there was the owner of the island, who was cleaning the algae from the shore. As the only two tourists on the island, we succeeded in maximizing relaxation. Banana Island was just as beautiful, a bit bigger and with more tourists. But we were the only ones who stayed overnight on the island. It’s kind of a rustic, but cute cottage, with barely running water and no electricity from midnight to 5:00am. It was totally worth it though.

This utopia of relaxation and exploration is definitely a place to visit again. The blue skies reflect off of the pristine waters; vibrant colors of the coral gleam through the crystal clear water; white sand beaches disguise any sign of pollution. Three days in this beautiful paradise and two dives in the crystal clear underwater world is not enough in a place that has the most variety of dives, such as coral reef dives, wreck dives and much more. If I don’t get a chance to go back for the lakes, lagoons and beaches, I will definitely go back for SCUBA diving.

Calamian Island Group, Philippines