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I Need a Breath of Fresh Air...

Every spring the air quality changes for the worst in Korea. This happens because of the “yellow dust” that is blown from China to its neighboring countries. It’s really sad to see how much the pollution can affect your everyday life. It’s very common to see people walking on the streets wearing their white facemask as they go about with their daily activities.

The dust comes from Northern China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Many toxic pollutants often accompany the sand and make its way to Korea, according to Wikipedia, It’s pretty clear to see how much harm that the “yellow dust” does to the environment.

The worst ever dust storm hit Korea causing the weather agency to issue its first nationwide warning on March 21st, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration. If you are outside you can see the hazy sky with very little visibility. Some of the symptoms are very similar to common allergies. But, then you have to remember that the air is filled with toxins and other harmful pollutants.

It seems like everywhere you look nowadays everything you see is made from China. It’s sad to see that even pollution is in that category.