Why did we choose 'OurKoreanTeapot?'

We chose our blog name to be 'OurKoreanTeapot' because the journey that we are about to embark on is similar to the process of making tea. First, you have to let the water boil. Next, add the tea leaves. Then, you let the tea simmer. Lastly, you sit back and enjoy the cup of tea. The process of making tea is similar to how our time in Korea will be over the next year. First, we took the time to research the Korean culture and learned as much as we can. Next, we will travel to Korea with not only a glimpse of knowledge, but also with a thirst for learning about the culture. Then, we will immerse ourselves into the Korean culture by learning their customs and language. Lastly, we will learn to appreciate the culture, people and enjoy every moment and experience.

We would walk 3,000 Miles...